Sunday, April 26, 2020

HTML Anchor Tag || Link Tag

HTML Anchor Tag || Link Tag

Html Anchor tag mostly use in websites. This link use in web page to connect another web page or a link of any marketing or download app link in these all purposes html anchor tag.
How can we write our html anchor tag? I give you a simple example of HTML Anchor Tag

in html file we can put anchor tag such as:

<a href="">Google</a>

these a tags called anchor tag href means hyper reference that use for reference of another page or link of any website or app. Hyper reference =" " in this double quotes we type the link of our page or web address of website.<a href=""> must be type in these breases after this the name of your page or website or application  and close the anchor tag with </a> this tag

About this watch my video

In this video we are talking about Anchor tag in detail if you did not  understand about any topic of web designing or web development you can comment here or on my youtube channel link in above description.

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