Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Basic Introduction of HTML

HTML stands for hypertext markup language. its designed to write web page content

In this Image you can see some tags of html, as like <html lang="en">, <meta> <title></title><head></head>. 
These tags has some functions on it. Html can't be work without these tags. If you forget or ignore any text you can't run your file properly that has some errors on it.
 its an opening tag of html. it's put on the begining of file in these two greater than and small than signs.
 its  closing tag of html. it's put on the ending of file in  these two greater than and small than signs.
it's an opening tag of head. it's a head of html document. It should be contain that element that can't be see in written language on web page. as like colors etc...
It's closing tag of head can't be written any type of head element after this tag after the head closing tag start a body tag.

1 comment:

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